Test Cut

Test Cut

Hi Everyone - - time again for my monthly contribution here at the Expressions Vinyl Blog - wahoo!! I'm Mandy from over at

I was planned and ready to talk all about the replicate feature on your Silhouette/Cameos - cause it's awesome and I just discovered it. But Ashley beat me to it and posted that just the other day. So I won't go too much into it - - just know that it's awesome. I just to copy and paste over and over to get a bunch of the same image. If only I had known then what I know now!

So, I thought of something else that I just discovered that is awesome - you might already know about it, but I didn't so I thought I'd share. Ever heard of the "test cut"?? I had seen that button, but I'd never dared push it! I didn't know how much it would test cut of my design, and vinyl is like gold to me! I didn't ever want to waste a piece on a test cut, so I always just jumped in. Well, that test cut button is amazing! You see it in the same spot where you adjust your cutting settings, down at the bottom:

Well, it doesn't cut any part of your design, like I thought. It cuts a little square with a triangle - pretty tiny - in the corner - - see - - it doesn't waste vinyl at all! Who knew!!

I tried out some the new vinyl offered (like Chrome and Glow in the Dark) and I wasn't sure what settings would work best for cutting, so I picked some and then did a test cut. And it didn't cut all the way through. So I adjusted and tried again. So glad I used Test Cut instead of my whole image. This is genius!! Hope you try it out!

Jun 26th 2012 ExpressionsVinyl-Ambassador

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