
Free Fonts - For Personal and Commercial Use

We know that a lot of our readers are small business owners! (and we love that!) So when we share "free fonts" we know that most are free for personal use and the people who are running shops can't use them (for free anyway!)

So we are devoting the next few roundups to ENTIRELY FREE fonts! Personal and Commercially! Let me introduce you to Kevin and Amanda They have created so many awesome free fonts that they are willing to share!

They do come with a catch:

  • Personal use or non-profit use, enjoy the fonts for free.
  • Commercial use (anything that generates income) please display a link back with credit and enjoy for free OR purchase a commercial use license.

For the full terms of use head here at

So as long as you add a link you can have use it! Pretty sweet of Kevin and Amanda! And they have some AMAZING fonts! Here are some of my Favorites Basic fonts! 

Miserably Lose

Elephant in tree

Cafe Rojo

Hey Gorgeous

Markus the Cow

Smiley Monster


My own topher

guess what

Wish I was taller


I use miserably lose and smiley monster quite a bit! Some of my favorites!

You can actually click download all on the sidebar at their site and get them all at once! I always need a nice basic font. They pair so well with cursive fonts! 

Aug 14th 2016 Expressions Vinyl

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