Toddler Project: Finger Painting Canvas

Toddler Project: Finger Painting Canvas

Hey there! Summer here again from Made By Munchie's Mama.

It's back to school time for most moms out there, but for me it's just business as usual. My little guys are another year or two from preschool so I really try to keep them busy with fun projects that can also be educational. Finger painting is a great activity that helps them understand colors and how they can be mixed to make new and exciting colors. My husband's dad has been in Alabama on a job for the past couple of months so we decided to make a little canvas to remind him how much he is loved and missed.

First gather up your supplies...there aren't many which is a plus!

I used my Silhouette to cut out some wording (you could also cut them out by hand), picked up a blank canvas from Joann's and traced the boys hands on the back of some vinyl scraps which I cut out with scissors.

Here is how it looks after I used Transfer Tape to apply the vinyl wording and just peeled and stuck the hands on.

Then I let them go wild with the finger painting. They had so much fun and after Dylan finished he was asking to get back in the high chair so he could paint some more. Gavin {my oldest} his some sensory processing issues so this is a fantastic tactile activity to work on that.

Here is the completed masterpiece. I think they could give Picasso a run for his money! Peel away the Vinyl decaland you're all done!

I love how proud Gavin was of his work.
We can't wait to package it up and send it off to Alabama!!!

Aug 30th 2012 ExpressionsVinyl-Ambassador

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