Customized Drink Tub - A Transfer Tape Tutorial

Customized Drink Tub - A Transfer Tape Tutorial

I'm Melissa from A Prudent Life and I'm happy to be back sharing another vinyl project with you! My favorite projects include frugal home decor, like the Spring Vase I shared here last month. Today I'm going to show you how I transformed a clearance find into a perfect party essential with the help of transfer tape.

Target had these party drink tubs available before the Super Bowl for $14.99 or at a deep discount when you bought specific products. I've always wanted a party bucket for barbecues, so when I found one of the leftover buckets for $4.48 after the Super Bowl I snatched it right up.

Clearance Drink Bucket Before Transformation

The first step was applying two light coats of Rust-oleum Universal Metallic spray paint in Aged Copper. Next it was time to design an image to dress up the tub. I used AR Julian font and design ID 10438 (Summer Drink) from the Silhouette online store to make my image.

Sometimes I have a hard time visualizing how large I want a vinyl design, but I figured out a great solution. I use post it notes to test sizes and figure out what I like best without wasting any vinyl! Once I'm happy with the size, I can measure it and scale my design before cutting.

How to determine size of vinyl projectsOnce the vinyl is cut & weeded (everything you don't want is removed), it is time to get out your transfer tape. I use my cut design as a size guide and then cut the transfer paper slightly larger than the vinyl.

Weed Vinyl & Cut Transfer Paper Slightly Larger Than DesignWhen your transfer paper is cut, remove the backing. The side with the grid is the one you want to use. Place the sticky side onto your weeded vinyl and press down with a vinyl applicator tool or credit card.

How to Use Vinyl Transfer PaperThe next step is peeling off the vinyl backing. Your goal is for the front of your vinyl to be attached to the transfer tape.

Using Transfer Paper for VinyleNow you can easily apply your whole vinyl design at once!

Apply Vinyl Using Transfer PaperNow my tub is ready for a party!

Clearance Transformation - Custom Drink TubWhat you can't tell from this picture is that the other side of my bucket has a completely different personality! Come by my blog to see what I came up for the other side! It's art deco inspired!

For this project I used:
Mint VinylTransfer Tape/Transfer Paper

Thanks for reading - I'll see you back here next month!

Apr 6th 2014 ExpressionsVinyl-Ambassador

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