
Stenciled Christmas Sign

Stenciled Christmas Sign

The statement is true! Its never to early for Christmas Music and its also true with Christmas crafting , its never to early. If you are more into the stenciling end of the vinyl world you will love this tutorial and stenciling with ExpressionsVinyl's Oramask Stencil Vinyl. This vinyl has a blue film making it easy to spot uneven application areas and avoid potential paint bleeding. Go check out this fun project to learn how to use Stencil Vinyl as well as some Tips and Tricks along the way.

This project is super easy! You just need some paint (We like ChalkPaint), roll-foam brushes, and our Oramask Stencil Vinyl.

Check out the dropdown below to order the Oramask Vinyl in a few sizes and of course our favorite Siser Weeding Tool

Shop Items Used In Stenciled Christmas SIGN Project

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Now that you have your Oramask Stencil Vinyl ordered and on the way, you need your designs. We created a bigger stencil using this Buffalo Check cut file from Silhouette Design Store and duplicating it multiple times and sizing the whole stencil to the size of our board.

Prep your surface by giving it a good sanding, few coats of paint, then one more final sanding with a finer grit sand paper to buff out any rough spots and or fibers from the paint and wood.

Pull the paper carrier sheet away from the back of the vinyl exposing the adhesive. Flip over and place on surface being sure to rub it on really well, and get rid of any bubbles which can cause bleeds from the paint.

Slowly start to peel away the Transfer Tape, we used our Clear Transfer Tape on this project so we can really see that the vinyl is adhered correctly and that there are not bubbles.

Once the Transfer tape is off, do a quick evaluation, but making sure all pieces are pressed on well.

Taking a paint roller, load your roller and start covering the whole image, also making sure not to press to hard.

Once the whole surface is dry, do a second light coat to get any missed spots and give it a deeper black hue.

Once this has dried you will see that it has lightened some, so if you need to touch up spots, now is a good time to do so, if you are pleased with the paint job, start slowly pulling away the Oramask, trying not to pull up but more roll away with it.

There is no right or wrong way or direction to start weeding, just go with what feels most comfortable to you.

Check out that nice and clean buffalo check.

TIP: For a more distressed look, let it dry part way, and once weeded away, sand it down to your liking.

Repeat the same process for the "Its never too early for Christmas Music" cut file as you did the buffalo check background.

So apply your vinyl really well to the surface, remove your tape and check again for spots that may need a quick rub down, then start rolling our your paint, in this layer we used White Chalk Paint.

TIP: Chalk Paint it thicker so there is a less chance of any bleeding paint

You can create relief cuts in your vinyl to make removing it a lot easier, however, keep in mind it is gap that could potentially allow paint through, just like shown above. So if you opt for that tip, mind the gap please!

Nov 22nd 2019 sgriggs@expressionsvinyl.com BigCommerce

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