Ringing In The New Year: Vinyl Embellished Bells

Ringing In The New Year: Vinyl Embellished Bells

Happy New Year everyone. Carol here from The Answer Is Chocolate. Hoping that 2012 was good to you and wishing you an even better 2013.

I don’t do a lot of New Year’s decorating but usually try to have something to mark the occasion. This idea came to me when I was after Christmas shopping and found some hammered metal bell ornaments. Bells are perfect for ringing in the New Year right?

For this project I used my found bells, some metal hook thingies I had in my stash, some beads, an upcycled can and of course vinyl. I used Silver Metalized Vinyl.

Before I decorated my bells, I needed a holder. This too got covered in vinyl, this time Adhesive Gold Glitter. I measured around my empty can and the vinyl stuck right to it.

Using my Silhouette software, I chose a font I liked ( Cobalt) and then cut the numbers out of the Silver Metalized Vinyl.

This was a great way to use up scraps of Paper Transfer Tape so I used them to apply each number.

Here are my numbers all done.

I used beading wire to attach my “disco ball” rhinestone beads to my bells and then hung them from the metal hooks. I placed a piece of floral foam in my gittery can and then added some clocks printed out on cardstock as well as some leftover snowflake picks I had on hand

Dec 27th 2012 ExpressionsVinyl-Ambassador

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